Best Cloud Storage for Photographs
It’s vital that your wedding photos are backed up, and one of the safest ways to do that is via cloud storage. This works by saving copies of your images on your computer as well as on an offsite backup server. If your computer ever crashes, you can simply retrieve the images from the cloud server.
It’s absolutely imperative that you back up your wedding photos, and doing so in the cloud is one of the safest ways possible.
If you have DropBox, you’ll need to expand your drive size since a typical wedding collection is 5 gigabytes, and the default DropBox is only 2GB.
Another option is Google Drive, which comes with about 15B free to start off with. This is a great option.
Last, check out Amazon Cloud, which, if you’re a Prime member, gives you unlimited storage of photos for free! Otherwise it’s a minimal cost per year.